Plant Medicine Ceremonies

1:1 Guided Psilocybin Ceremony

This personalized journey includes taking a macrodose of psilocybin under my guidance and supervision in the comfort and safety of your own home. I will intuitively assist your journey with other tools such as

  • energy healing

  • sound therapy

  • reiki

  • chakra balancing

This journey is for those who are looking to connect deeper with their heart space, unblock emotions, and release deep trauma.

Important notes:

Prior to partaking in this journey you will need to complete an intake form and interview to ensure you are eligible for the consumption of a large dose of psilocybin.

Each ceremony lasts approximately 4-6 hours and will differ based on each individual.

Group Psilocybin Ceremony

A ceremony consisting of a small group of 4-5 people. Everyone will be provided a macrodose of psilocybin based on their prior experience under the guidance of myself and extra facilitators. This journey includes ceremonial music, smudging (energy clearing), sound healing, optional Hape for additional grounding (medicinal tobacco), and intuitive guidance during your journey.

Important notes:

Prior to partaking in this journey you will need to complete an intake form and interview to ensure you are eligible for the consumption of a large dose of psilocybin.

Each ceremony lasts approximately 4-6 hours and will differ based on each individual.

Hape (Rapé) Group Ceremony

Hape is considered to be one of many sacred medicines from the Amazon that are used both to overcome physical, psychological and emotional blocks as well as gain tremendous insight into other, subtler worlds. 

Sharing Hape was traditionally done in a ritualistic way. Because the medicine can have stimulating or psychoactive effects (depending on what plants were used to make it) receiving Hape can bring about a profound experience of the Amazonian jungle. Because the act of taking rapé is a prayer, the set and setting will impact the experience of your prayer 

This ceremony will start with intention setting, guided pranayama (breathwork), ceremonial music, and Hape served by me with a Tepi, a wooden pipe where the medicine is administered through the nostrils.